Missing teeth solutions

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Implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth.

Dental implants are small titanium screws that can be placed into the jawbone. Their function is to implant a platform on which to construct crowns or bridges to replace missing teeth. Dental implants can be used to replace both single and multiple teeth, and can also be used in association with removable dentures to anchor or improve the stability of the dentures.

Once the implants have integrated into the bone (usually 3-6 months) an abutment and crown can then be placed.

At Krown Dental we offer two safe and effective implant systems.

Porcelain Veneers
Composite Resin Veneers

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Implant (Digital)

Unlike traditional, timely implants, Flapless (Digital Implants) can be completed in minutes and without any cutting of the gums.

This new implant technology replaces the old method. No gums are cut and sutured (stitched), instead, a guide is made for the Doctor to create an osteotomy (hole) for the implant.

This allows the patient to avoid the usual pain and swelling that comes with the gums being cut in the initial implant stage and after the 3-4 months’ process whereby the implant integrates into the bone, when the patient returns to have a crown put on. Dependent on the condition of the patient’s gum, crowns can be placed immediately after the implant is completed.

Implant (Traditional)

It includes cutting the gum, drilling a hole, placing the implant and closing the gum with stiches.

Crowns and Bridges


One of the most utilised restorative and cosmetic solutions is a dental crown. A crown or “cap” is placed over a carefully prepared tooth, restoring strength, appearance and function.
A crown may be placed on a tooth that has undergone Root Canal Therapy where a large portion of the tooth has needed to be removed, or to restore a tooth that has fractured in an accident or a tooth that has lost a large filling.
Crowns may be made from gold, porcelain fused with gold or entirely from porcelain. Porcelain is used for its ability to mimic natural tooth enamel, making it indistinguishable from natural surrounding teeth.
Receiving a crown will often require two appointments. Your first visit will involve carefully reshaping the tooth receiving the crown so when it is placed, it appears the same size as the adjacent teeth. An impression cast is made and used as a template to ensure your crown is a precise fit.
Your second appointment will be to check your new tooth for fit with your gum-line and surrounding teeth before it is permanently secured into place.


A bridge is a popular and effective restorative solution for replacing missing teeth and will revitalise your smile and restore your oral health. A bridge consists of several false teeth, which are secured to natural teeth on either side of the space by crowns.

It’s important to replace missing teeth as soon as possible, not only for your smile appearance but also to prevent various oral health problems arising. Teeth are not permanently set and therefore when one or more teeth are missing, the adjacent and opposing will move out of their correct alignment.


Dentures have been the oldest way to replace missing teeth in the upper and lower arches… They can replace all your missing teeth whether you are missing only one tooth or all your teeth.

Dentures are typically attached to the remaining teeth in you mouth with wire or clear clasps. If you are missing all of your teeth, the dentures can be attached to dental implants or they can simply rest on your gums.

Dentures can improve your chewing ability and also give you a more beautiful smile by replacing missing teeth. Also, they are very economical and can typically be done in a few visits.

If you are interested in our denture services, place contact us or make a booking today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services does Krown Dental offer

Krown Dental provides a wide range of dental services, including general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, oral surgery, and more. Explore our services page for a detailed list.

How do I schedule an appointment at Krown Dental?

Krown Dental provides a wide range of dental services, including general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, oral surgery, and more. Explore our services page for a detailed list.

What services does Krown Dental offer

Krown Dental provides a wide range of dental services, including general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, oral surgery, and more. Explore our services page for a detailed list.

What services does Krown Dental offer

Krown Dental provides a wide range of dental services, including general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, oral surgery, and more. Explore our services page for a detailed list.

What services does Krown Dental offer

Krown Dental provides a wide range of dental services, including general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, oral surgery, and more. Explore our services page for a detailed list.


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